zaterdag 11 april 2020

Leesvoer voor 't weekend! Handige tips, how to's & interessante artikelen

Dit is aflevering 12 van het wekelijkse overzicht met leuke tips, handige how to's en interessante artikelen die ik de afgelopen week vond in mijn RSS-lezer. Ik wil dit alles graag met jullie delen. Misschien heb je er iets aan... 'QR codes en gratis inspiratie'
"Wanneer ik in workshops over het gebruik van QR codes vertel is de meest gestelde vraag: “Maar waar vind ik dit allemaal?”
Daarom heb ik de top 3 van gratis QR codes hier voor jullie op een rijtje gezet..."
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How-To Geek: 'How To Make Your Own Sticker Pack for WhatsApp on iPhone and Android'
"Stickers are a quick and fun way to convey thoughts and emotions on WhatsApp. But what if you want to make a sticker pack of your own reaction shots? Here’s how to do it on your iPhone and Android handset..."
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Reviewgeek: 'Facebook’s New Messenger Desktop App Lets You Skip the Browser'
"Facebook just launched a new desktop Messenger app for Windows and MacOS, allowing you to chat or video call your friends without opening your browser. This is a timely release, and it should help families and friends stay connected without coordinating a confusing Zoom or Google Hangouts chat..."
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Control Alt Achieve: 'How to Create Self-Grading Quizzes in Google Classroom'
"Google Forms is a fantastic tools for making self-grading assessment for students. Google Classroom is a wonderful way to assign and collect work from students.
Wouldn't it be great to put these two great tools together..."
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Chrome Story: 'How to Use Chrome’s ‘Safety Check’ to Scan Passwords and Extensions'
"Google is working on a Safety check feature that will allow users scan the browser for security issues. This article explains how to do a Safety check.
Safety check is currently available in the Canary version of Chrome. It might take a few weeks before this feature is released in the Stable version..."
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Chrome Story: 'How to Turn On Caps Lock on a Chromebook'
"One of the first things that you will notice on your new Chromebook is the keyboard layout. Chromebooks come with a Search key instead Caps Lock. They also do not have Delete keys. In this article, we will look at how to turn on or turn off Caps Lock and also turn the Search key into Caps Lock..."
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Educational Technology Guy: 'Resources for working with PDF files on Chromebooks'
"PDF files are used everywhere and can be used on Chromebooks. Here are some resources..."
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MakeUseOf: 'Ultimate Windows PC Mastery: 70+ Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials for Everyone'
"You may know your way around a Windows PC, but there are tons of tips, tricks, and tutorials you should be using that can make your life way easier and more productive..."
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MakeUseOf: 'Google Can Now Turn Your Photos Into Works of Art'
"You can now turn your photos into works of art, and all you need is the Google Arts and Culture app. This is because Google has added a new feature called Art Transfer to the app. And this lets you apply various art styles to a photo of your choosing..."
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Free Technology for Teachers: 'How to Create Simple Videos on a Chromebook - No Apps or Extensions Needed' (uitlegfilmpjes)
"... In the following video I demonstrate how to create a simple video on a Chromebook. The key points of the video are:
  • How to access the camera on your Chromebook. 
  • Where to find your video file. 
  • How to share your video file with students..."
Bekijk hier de uitlegfilmpjes »
ASKVG: '[Tip] Enable “Tab Groups” Feature in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge'
"The newer versions of Google Chrome web browser such as Chrome 73 and later, come with a hidden secret feature called "Tab Groups". This feature is not enabled by default and we need to activate and enable it manually using Chrome's advanced configuration page i.e. chrome://flags page..."
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Gtricks: 'How To Measure Distance on Google Maps (Desktop and Mobile)'
"Google Maps already tells you the distance to your destination. However, did you know you can also measure the distance between two points on Google Maps? Yes, you can measure distance on Google Maps in any direction over any terrain. This can be particularly useful for measuring hiking trails and other non-official paths that Google Maps can’t create a path on so it won’t show distance too.
If you are interested in calculating the distance between two or more points, then keep reading and I’ll show you how to measure distance on Google Maps on desktop and mobile apps..."
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Gtricks: '2 Methods To Measure an Area on Google Maps'
"... did you know you can also use the same tool to measure an area as well? Yes, if you want to measure a land piece, you don’t need to hire any professionals to get an estimate measure. Google Maps can help you measure land pieces of any shape in square feet and square meters.
Of course, the measurement would not be as precise as physical measurement, but it will be accurate enough to give an estimated size of any land to flourish a discussion. Let’s see how you can measure an area on Google Maps...
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Hongkiat: '5 Apps to Access Your Favorite Websites Offline — Best of'
"Whether you’re taking a flight tonight or planning to go to a remote vacation where you can’t access the World Wide Web, you may need to download your favorite websites. Maybe you just need to download a few coding tutorials or the new recipes from your favorite chef, a read-it-later app comes handy.
Whatever be your reason, I’ve got you covered. In this write-up, I’ve compiled the best apps (did I mentioned they’re free?) for downloading, accessing, and reading web pages without the Internet. Sounds interesting? Read on..."
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